Malawi Outreach Update – April 2010
We have been on a rollercoaster since our last update. But, we have good news, in spite of Government regulations that has caused us to reconfigure the School of Ministry location, we are happy to report after much prayer that the school will begin its first session on May 3rd with the initial 15 Pastors in attendance. The second session following will be with the next group of Pastors.
So, here is what we have concluded that the Lord has shown us to do. Since we have already rented a house here in Lilongwe where Nora & I reside, that is on a large lot, we have decided to hold classes here at our home. In addition to the main house, it has guest quarters with three rooms large enough to house up to 10-12 men along with bathroom facilities. The living room in the house is quite large and we have very little furniture, so it is easily converted into a good size classroom. We have hired a cook to do all the cooking, Malawian style. We will also have to provide bedding for them, blankets, etc., as they cannot afford an extra blanket to bring with them from home. This will provide an environment where we are all together during the day for regular classes, and then allow for evening discussions, fellowship and worship. They will also have the opportunity to ask questions and receive personal prayer & attention, which they would not receive otherwise on a regular school campus.
The class schedule for the School of Ministry is Monday through Thursday. The Pastors will return to their homes and churches for Friday through Sunday and return back to Lilongwe on Monday ready to begin the new week of school. The main expense will be transportation and food costs along with some initial front end purchases for bedding and supplies. So, we met with the first set of Pastors this last Thursday, 15 in all, and they are all set to begin classes on May 3rd. Please be praying that they will be able to get everything arranged so they can make this commitment to attend class without financial hardships to their families & the church Body. The level of poverty with these village Pastors forces them to trust God as they leave their families & churches to place the high priority & value on what the Lord is doing for them to provide this School of Ministry to increase their knowledge of the Lord and His Word!
To all of you who have contributed financially to specifically assist these Pastors who can obtain additional training, please know that every dollar is being spent to maximize the benefit of those who will be attending classes. To all of you who are contributing to the Malawi Outreach Ministry, also know we are doing all we can to stretch every dollar, so that these men can receive this teaching & training, that they may be discipled and become mature disciplers themselves in their respective village churches.
And needless to say, all of us need to be praying for the success of this very important outreach, as the depth of teaching in Malawi is so shallow, and we have the opportunity to make a significant impact in this extremely poor country. The people of Malawi need to know so much more about the Lord Jesus and the Holy Word of God! Thank you for partnering with us and holding the rope on your end, so that these men can grow in their knowledge of God’s Word and make a dramatic difference in the depth of knowledge within their churches, their communities, and in their country!
May our Lord bless you for your participation in the Malawi Outreach Ministry, you are making a difference in peoples lives today and for eternity. There are always additional unexpected expense needs that arise daily, so if the Lord puts it on your heart to make additional financial gifting, rest assured it will be put to good use for the kingdom of God.
In Him,
Steve & Nora
Matthew 25:40