It has been a couple of months since we last posted here on our blog, as we have been incurring some major spiritual warfare battles! We thought we were all ready to begin the School of Ministry on May 3rd, only to find out on the evening of May 2nd that we were not going to be able to begin as planned. We have been trying to work out all the problems at hand, and we are delighted to be able to now report that these obstacles appear to have been removed.
We have had 30 very disappointed Pastors, who have been waiting anxiously for this training and we had our final briefing on April 14th, distributed all the paperwork needed for them to complete, answered all their questions, and we all left with joyful anticipation of the start of the School of Ministry on May 3rd as outlined. However, our common enemy raised his ugly head and caused some further delays in the start of this most needed training. But the Word of God says in James Chapter 4:7,"Therefore submit to God, Resist the devil and he will flee from you." So, that is what we have done, we drew near to God and He drew near to us!
Due to the delays we have experienced, the start of the School of Ministry cannot now to begin until August 16th due to the facts we have had visiting teams coming throughout July and continuing through the first half of August, which we will be hosting, and coordinating the ministry outreaches & ministering with these teams. So,God willing, we will see the beginning of the Malawi School of Ministry start August 16, 2010. Please be praying for all the visiting teams, their ministry opportunities, and of course, the School of Ministry. The teams coming are from Hawaii, North Carolina, and California.
These are exciting times ahead of us and the opportunity to minister in so many different venues is very encouraging, filled with great expectation of what the Lord is going to accomplish the next few months ahead of us! Ministry to children, Jesus Video Outreaches, Leadership Conference to Pastors, Training of young adults to better prepare them as they minister in the Public Schools, and some medical outreaches, just to name a few.
We have felt at times like what Paul the Apostle wrote about in 2 Corinthians 4: 7-9, but we are experiencing the reality of 2 Corinthians 4:17-18. So, please join with us in the joy of what God has accomplished and pray that we will continue to be able to minister as He gives us strength and wisdom to do so. Thank you for all your faithful prayers and support for this ministry and for Nora & myself personally. We sincerely appreciate each one of you as you stand in the gap for us . We will keep you updated as we progress ahead during these very busy next few months.