To all of our love ones:
Nora & I want to take this moment just before we all celebrate the birth of our precious Lord & Savior, Jesus Christ, to express our sincere appreciation to all of you for your prayers & financial support! The work in Malawi we are involved with is what God is accomplishing and His desire to pour out His blessings upon that country & all its people! As all of you are aware, we are in the States now with our family & friends here in America on our annual furlough. We have been totally blessed with our time home, & all the opportunities we have been privileged to share in many churches about what the Lord is doing in Malawi.
We have had the pleasure of being with our son Tom & his family during Thanksgiving week, then up to Vacaville near Sacramento with our daughter Natalie & her family ;last week.This week we are in Seattle, Washington with our daughter Kelly & her family to celebrate Christmas together! PTL!!!! Then we return to California to share a few days with our daughter Erin & her family in Yosemite through January 1st, then back to Salinas to share with our good friends Pastor Ben & Joni Sobels at Cypress Community Church on January 2, 2011. Then we leave early on Monday to attend the Annual Calvary Chapel Missions Conference in Murrieta Ca. from the 3-6th. We return to Salinas on the 9th & we will try to get some rest before we head back to Malawi on the 17th.
We recognize full well, we cannot do what the Lord has called us to do in Malawi, without all of your love, prayers, & support! We do not take this support lightly or for granted! We want to say,"Zikomo Kwambiri" (Thank you very much!) to each one of you from the bottom of our hearts!. May our Lord continue to bless & keep you in His loving arms as we keep looking up as Jesus is coming back soon! In the meantime, He commanded us to occupy until He does come back, so keep listening for the Holy Spirit's sweet voice and be obedient to His calling in your lives! (Ephesians 3:20)
Merry Christmas & a very Happy New Year!
In Him,
Steve & Nora Braselton