To all our faithful prayer warriors & supporters:
We have now migrated the Road to Malawi blog to the Ruth’s Shawl webpage. All past and future posts will now be available at
If you are currently on our emailing list, we will add your email address to the blog so that you will automatically receive an email containing the newest blog post. Blog updates are posted approximately once a month. If you have not received email updates and would like to, please click the “Follow” button at the bottom right corner of the Ruth’s Shawl web page and enter your email address.
The migration to the Ruth’s Shawl web page to host our blog is a reflection of the recent merger of the two ministries so that now Malawi Outreach is an entity of Ruth’s Shawl, Inc. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us.
Thank you all so very much for your love, prayers, & financial support! The ministry of Malawi Outreach has not changed at all, just operating in the USA & Malawi as an entity of Ruth’s Shawl, Inc. as a 501(c)3 Non-Profit Corporation & as a International Registered Non Government Organization in Malawi, Africa.
In Him,
Pastor Steve & Nora Braselton
Malawi Outreach Ministries