Steve & Nora

Steve & Nora

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Happy New Year!

We hope & pray that all of you enjoyed a glorious Christmas celebrating our Lord's Birth with family & friends. We are already 3 days into 2009,with much to do that we are aware of, and so much more we have no idea what the Lord holds for us. But lets all remember, we cannot redo yesterday, tomorrow is never promised for any of us, so today let us be about HIM in all we do, for today is all we have to be obedient to HIS calling!

Nora & I leave for the Missions Conference in So. Calif. from January 5 to 8th and then visiting other churches and ministries there before heading back home to wrap all the last minute details before we leave for Malawi on January 26th. Time is growing short, but with God's help we will get all done before we leave.

Have received three e-mails from from Malawi concerning our anticipated arrival, expressing their joy in our soon arrival! God is so good to us, preparing the way for us, setting up new friends and co-laborers for the gospel of Jesus Christ, We are truly blessed!!

Our prayer needs are many, but are a few:

1.Missions Conference
2.Finalize support raising activities
3.Ability to wrap up all last minute details
4.Sale of two auto's & our Timeshare in Newport Beach
5.Safe & enjoyable 27 hour flight to Africa.

We want all of you to know how much we appreciate you and love your prayer & financial support. We will be attempting to keep you informed on this blog, over the next 23 days before we depart as well as when we arrive in Africa.

May our Lord continue to bless all of you as you serve HIM, we remain,


Steve & Nora


  1. It was so nice to see you and know we will be praying for you and looking forward to seeing God's plans unfold before you!! Know that His presence goes with you and He will give you rest!! Exodus 3

    Love..Skip and Terry

  2. Skip & Terry:

    Likewise and thank you for your love & prayers. Just was chatting with David Joannes from Chine a few minutes ago on FaceBook. Seems all is well with them.
    God bless you & the boys and you all are in our prayers also.
