Steve & Nora

Steve & Nora

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Blessed Sunday

Hi from Lilongwe Malawi Africa!

We enjoyed a great Sunday Service at CC Lilongwe this morning, finishing chapter 2 of the Book of Ephesians, that our salvation is by grace through faith, brought near by His blood, that Christ is our peace, that the middle wall of separation has been torn down , but as believers we all now one body in Christ, and that Christ is our cornerstone and that we all are being built together for a dwelling place of God in the Spirit.

A number of new visitors and a growing number of people enjoying the IBS method of teaching and learning the heart of the scripture and how it pertains to each believer and involves our daily life in Christ!

Malawi is a beautiful country and has so many wonderful people, who are eager to learn more about the Bible and their savior. Please pray for us as we move forward for the new Pastoral Training & Discipleship School and the Evangelistic Outreaches using the new DVD Projector and taking the Jesus Video in the Chichawa language to very remote villages. The new semester for the primary & secondary school begins tomorrow with over 500 students at CC Lilongwe School, so please pray for the students be well taught and they are able to pay their fees for each student attending. Poverty is so bad, it is always unsure who will be able to attend and there are so many other young people who would love to attend, but have no money to pay for their schooling.

Nora & my health is good, we are very happy serving here and we covet your prayers and support. God is laying out His Spirit upon this land and we have the honor & privilege of being a part of God's work here in Malawi. We love you all and appreciate your prayers, love, and support. Without all of you, we could accomplish very little. But with God and each of you, we can be led by the Holy Spirit to accomplish His will here in this wonderful country, and with its people, who are hungering for the Word of God and thirsting for direction for their lives.

God bless you all,

Steve & Nora


  1. Hello Steve & Nora,
    We're out of the stone age, thank God!!!
    Just wanted to let you too know that we're thinking of you. Here's our email address
    Hope to hear from you soon!! :D

  2. Dear George & Mary:

    So good to hear from you two. Has God directed you to move or not?

    So many things happening here in Malawi and so many blessings along with so many challanges & spiritual warfare!! But God........

    We pray that you are well and serving where God wants you to be. We send our love and it was such a blessing to meet you and have fellowship with you in South Africa. Please continue to pray for us & CC Lilongwe.


    Steve & Nora

  3. Hi precious friends,

    It is with great joy we read of the teaching of God's Word. We think of you often and pray for God to go before you in the work of training and ministering to orphans and widows. Ps. 92:12-15

    Our son-in-law is now director of an organization that I am sure is near your heart. I am giving you the website so you can see what else is being done for orphans.

    God's blessing upon you both :-)
    Janet (and Roger)

  4. Hey friends! Terry & Nancy Clark here. Saw your names on the CC prayer list and just had to look you up. We do pray you are well and the Lord is blessing you as you minister faithfully with Him.
    See you on the internet!

  5. Hey Terry & Nancy:

    So good to hear from you! We arrived in Africa in January and God is blessing the work here in Malawi abundantly!Our Malawian Pastor Tom Mambo started his CC 5 years ago and now we have 30 CC's! I am starting a Pastoral Training & Discipleship School and Nora & her ministry, Ruth's Shawl is working with widows & orphans. God is keeping us on a very busy schedule! Hope we get to see you in January at Missions Conference.


    Steve & Nora
