Two months of 2010 are already behind us, and it seems as though January 1st was only last week. How times flies, and yet, we are all given the same 24 hours a day to accomplish that which our Lord has given us to do. How we spend the time is the difference between satisfaction, or, possibly dissatisfaction over regretting our failures. With all that is happening in the world today; earthquakes, tsunamis, disease, pestilence, societies falling apart as a result of godlessness and sin, can the return of our Lord be far away?
Personally, I believe Jesus will be coming back in my lifetime and it could be at any minute! But, He said “occupy until He returns.” So, let us all be aware of the signs of the times and “Watch therefore, for you do not know what hour the Lord is coming.” (Matthew 24:42) Let us all be sober minded as we are about the Lord’s work, wherever we are serving Him!
We are rapidly gearing up for the start of the Calvary Chapel School of Ministry, now scheduled to begin March 15th, with four different centers located in strategic locations in central and southern Malawi. We will be rotating the classes from month to month to each center, until such time as the good Lord provides us the funding to build a centralized location in Lilongwe. We are truly excited about the beginning of the school which is so desperately needed in order to properly train these pastors! So, please be holding this up in prayer, and be also praying for traveling mercies for our travels to each of these centers and for the pastors attending. That they will be able to fully give of themselves to this opportunity to learn and be trained, so that they can be the shepherds of their flocks that God has called them to be! The raining season has been very heavy this year and all the so called roads of Malawi are nothing more than mud tracks which have been basically destroyed by the rain. This makes it very hard to get to the villages and times extremely dangerous, so please be praying for us!
Nora & I are doing well, our health is very good, and we are staying extremely busy as we are involved in a number of different activities. Our prayer requests are:
1. Prayer for the start of the School of Ministry and all the attending pastors.
2. Successful Mediation results on our vehicle suit.
3. More laborers for the work here in Malawi.
4. Additional funding for the various needed ministry projects.
5. Prayer for the spiritual warfare being waged against us and the ministry here.
God bless you all and keep looking up, our redemption draws near. (Luke 21:25-28)
Steve & Nora
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