Steve & Nora

Steve & Nora

Saturday, October 9, 2010

CC African Pastors Conference

We head off to South Africa tomorrow (10-10-10) to attend the Pastors Conference for all the CC's in the continent of Africa. Barry & Teri Stagner of CC Tustin, Phil Pechonis from England, Joey Buran of CC Costa Mesa, Rob Dingman, Michael & Golden leading worship, & some guy named Steve Braselton will be sharing also about the work of God in Malawi.

Please pray that all goes well at the conference, that all the speakers will be anointed, and that all those attending will be blessed & encouraged! We are then taking a few days (Saturday & Sunday) following the conference to see more of Cape Town and then on Monday morning flying to Johannesburg to spend three days with Chad & Heather Naakenborgen, Pastor & family of CC Johannesburg South African, whom we love dearly. And on Thursday morning we fly back to Lilongwe, getting "home" at 12:15PM and start preparing for the next three weeks wrap up of the School of Ministry for 2010.

On November 19th, we load up our clothes again to head back to Monterey/Salinas for our furlough just in time for Thanksgiving celebration with part of our family. We will be home through the Christmas holidays, then in early January will attend the annual Missions Conference at Murrieta before we head back to Malawi.

This has been a year of great joys as well as some unpleasant difficulties, but our God...... We rejoice that Jesus has been faithful as usual, has never wavered in His desire to bless the people of Malawi, and we have witnessed some unbelievable miracles He has bestowed upon this land & its people. We are blessed beyond words that He has allowed us to be a part of what He is accomplishing here in Malawi! And each of you that have prayed, written words of encouragement to us, and those whom the Lord has directed to support all this financially, we say Zikomo Kambiri! (Thank you so very much) Without all of you, we would not be able to be here to try to be obedient to His calling on our lives!

Please continue to pray for us for the work yet to be done in 2010, as well as looking to the future and what He wants to do in 2011 here in Malawi. We would humbly ask that you prayerfully consider, through prayer, what financial support He might desire for you to be involved with the Malawi Outreach Ministry in 2011. It is His work and we are looking to Him to supply all our needs, so our trust is in Him to work all these matters out according to His perfect will.

May Jesus richly bless and keep all of you close to Himself as we continue to look up, for our redemption is drawing very near!!


Steve & Nora
Malawi Outreach Ministry

1 comment:

  1. Dear friends

    We produce the SOON easy-English outreach paper, and similar papers in African French, Swahili, Portuguese and Fulani. We are happy to send copies to you or your colleagues to use in outreach. If you want copies, please send us your postal address, and say how many copies, and which language.

    You can read sample copies here:

    We also have a Facebook fan page at
    and invite you to join it, if you are a member of Facebook, and then also ask your friends to join.

    Blessings to you

