Steve & Nora

Steve & Nora

Friday, March 1, 2013

Malawi 2013

We arrived back in Malawi on February 7th, after spending 10 full & busy weeks in the States. Up & down all of California, Texas, & Washington State. 12 churches, 2 High Schools, 2 Elementary Schools, several Home Fellowships; numerous doctor appointments, and best of all, spent some very precious time with each of our four grown children, our 13 grandchildren, 7 great grandchildren, what a total blessing it has all been! We are so truly blessed of God and we are eternally grateful for His goodness towards us!!

We experienced some of the warmest greetings ever in each church and other venues where we shared this year , about what God has & is doing in Malawi Africa! People received us with open hearts & made us feel as a part of their respected church fellowships! They rejoiced with us in the reports of God's goodness which He is showering on Malawi & its people, and many people have expressed a genuine desire to come to Malawi to serve & see the work here in peron! This is something we are very excited about and we look forward to their arrival someday soon, prayerfully in 2013 and beyond.

We also wanted to take this opportunity to express our sincere & heart felt thanks for the generous outpouring of financial gifts, given for the work of the ministry here in Malawi from those churches we were privileged to share with, as well as our faithful donor base that have stood with us these past four years. There are not words that can adequately describe how grateful & blessed, both Nora & I are, with your faith in Jesus & your trust you have expressed in us! All we can do is to say thank you Jesus & Zikomo Kwambiri to each of you! Our promise to each of you is this, we will keep on keeping on until the Lord returns for us all or until He decides to take us (Nora & I) to be with Himself! We absolutely love serving our Lord here in Malawi, because we know, experiencially, this is where He has sent us to serve Him.

Some exciting good news is that all the crops that were plaanted on the newly acquired 8.13 acres in early December are almost ready to be harvested come late March & mid April. The crops are maize, ground nuts,(Peanuts) pumpkins,& sweet potatoes. It looks like all of these crops are going to result in a bumper harvest! PTL!!!! We also met with the architectual firm again this week and we are moving forward with plans to seeing the fence around the property to be going up after the harvest. This fence in its total footage will be approximately 1 mile in length in order to fence in the total acreage.

Our schedule for village outreaches will begin in March, with a number of new villages, as well follow up with those where we conducted our seminars last year. We have already conducted a Pastors & wives Conference for a local Baptist Church here in Lilongwe on 2/15 & 16th and I have been asked to start a weekly Bible study on a new T.V. station beginning operational viewing in July. We will begin a new weekly mentoring gathering of the young men & women of Flood Church very soon as well. We have also been requested by a local Pastor & its church leadership to consider conducting several different Seminars for their three churches in 2013.

So, all in all, 2013 has begun with a clear path of what is before us as of this moment in time and we understand that we must keep a close abiding fellowship with our Lord so we only follow His directions! We earnestly seek your continued prayers, love, & support for Malawi and for us persoanlly, that the Lord will keep us healthy & strong, so we can teach, train & disciple the people whom God has entrusted into our care!

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